Open Bar Guiding Principles
Open Bar, Inc. is a nonpartisan, egalitarian organization that is committed to promoting objective analysis, clear information and unbiased education about the legal rights and responsibilities associated with the development, use and distribution of open source/free software. Our goals are to offer education to the legal and non-legal communities working in the area of open source software, to expand awareness about legal issues in the world of open source software, and to provide an objective forum that supports the discussion, drafting, interpretation and enforcement of open source licenses.
We are not a political organization, in that we do not ascribe to any one particular view of what open source licensing means and/or should be. We welcome all members and viewpoints, but we will not be swayed by the views of any particular entity. We are not about legal advocacy. We are about objectivity and education. We take this objective seriously and will pursue it diligently, especially given that we work within the vociferous and opinionated world of open source.
Central to our health as an organization is how we manage ourselves internally and as we interact with others. We believe that integrity and honesty within our ranks and as we operate as an organization are key, and we are committed to treating each other with respect and dignity.